Only makes our Country stronger, and reconize that it is made up of many different culture’s, it’s horrible to think that we still have Radical Racist Ideolgy around is so wrong, harms many people’s lives. Why is because helping others is the right thing to do. Since the beginning of the Pandemic many these situations have happened.We absolutily understand about Isolating, and wearing PPE ,we lived it.

It is and has happened though out our Country to the very people who would help them no thoughts about it.

My own experience because I am in Heath Care Field being yelled obscentities while being told we kill children. The Parents and Organizer’s used children as a weaponized tool ,to stage it so it looks like a family event (Canada day). It was to effect everyone’s livly hood ,with foreign and domestic Money raised donated to support these actions so they could get there point accrossed and harm our Country. It wasn’t for Health,welfare of everyone in Canada. They have Threatened, Manipulated,Harrassed,closed the border’s for no reason then the agenda that they set out to do. These individuals that participated in the illeagal Occupation who were associated with Organizer’s with Radicalized Racist Ideology’s. Ottawa Police say 115 vehicles were towed during the protests. Plates were also suspended for 24 passenger vehicles from Ontario, and 34 passenger vehicles from outside the province. “In an effort to preserve future police investigations into the illegal occupation in Ottawa, the ministry will not release the names of affected businesses at this time,” a ministry spokesperson said. The names of the sanctioned businesses, as well as the number of affected trucks, were not revealed. Twenty-seven seizure orders were issued to large truck operators from outside the province, banning them from operating any commercial motor vehicle in Ontario. Protesters from outside the province faced sanctions of their own. Police cleared Freedom Convoy protesters from Ottawa streets after a three-week occupation.

Responding to questions from, the ministry confirmed that 12 suspension and seizure orders were issued to Ontario-based large truck operators involved in the protests, suspending their operating authority throughout Canada, and issuing an order to seize all the plates registered to them. The Ontario Ministry of Transportation has effectively shut down 39 trucking businesses in the wake of a crackdown on so-called Freedom Convoy protesters. By Today's Trucking Staff February 23, 2022